Random Numbers

The Manger

Posted by Random Numbers on October 15, 2022

Random Numbers

The Manger

By Brian Epps

It had been snowing off and on for weeks. The early onset of winter turned the streets of the city white on the first day, but that changed as car exhaust and dirt mixed with the snow to make a gray slush on the streets and sidewalks with gray piles of ice at the curbs, pushed there by snowplows.

When the snow first started, Thanksgiving weekend, people delighted in it. Snowmen appeared on many corners, great battles of white spheres were fought on the streets, and hot cocoa or spiced apple ciders were savored. The delight was quickly replaced by annoyance, though, as snow slowed the morning drive to a crawl and slush made the sidewalks a cold, wet, miserable slog. As Christmas approached, the songs of snow and dreams of a white Christmas rang hollow in the ears of people made cynical by the…

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Restoring Love

Posted by Random Numbers on July 29, 2012

A few pics from Glen Beck’s Restoring Love gathering last night at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, TX.

The theme of Restoring Love is charity.   Charity is too important to our souls and selves to hand off to government.   It is not enough to say, “I gave at the ballot box or the tax office.”   It is OUR job, and we have shirked it too long.

Posted in Inspirational, Philosophy | 3 Comments »

Why Bill is right and Glenn is wrong.

Posted by Random Numbers on February 1, 2012

Mitt Romney inserted his foot, heel and toes, into his mouth and bit down hard today:

Glenn Reynolds, bending over backwards in an attempt to be fair, said this:

Frankly, I think he’s got a point. People whose livelihood comes from the government — whether the very poor, or the government employees — are doing fine. It’s people who depend on the actual economy who are hurting.

Bill Quick was -er- quick to respond:

Sorry, but only somebody who doesn’t know anybody whose family has been living on the government dole for two or three generations could make such a stunningly ignorant statement about the “very poor.” They are not “doing fine.”

In this case I think Bill is right and Glenn is wrong.  The very poor have to spend more, as a percentage of their income, on food and transportation than those better off.  When one considers the fact that gas and food prices have risen dramatically in the last three years with no end in sight,  I’d say that there is reason to be concerned about the very poor.

While income inequality has dropped in recent years in dollars, in terms of actual buying power, the poor have had their incomes slashed by Obama’s inflation tax on necessities.  Even if one wants to get out of the hole and off the dole, the path to self-reliance has had caltrops tossed on it with the increase in minimum wage and the current policies that discourage hiring, especially on the low-wage, low-skill level most of the very poor are qualified for.

Sorry, Glenn.  The very poor people on the dole have to live in the same economy as the rest of us, and they are getting more and more trapped by an economy that lowers their effective income and keeps them from working.

Romney thinks the poor are doing fine because of a safety net?   That’s only true in a world where the poor don’t eat, drive, or try to find work so they can stop being poor.

Posted in 2012, Economics, Mitt Romney, Politics | 4 Comments »

I see a commercial coming

Posted by Random Numbers on January 27, 2012

After watching both Romney and Santorum deliberately distort Gingrich’s prize-based space proposal in order to attack a strawman, I got this idea for a commercial and rattled it off to Winning the Future PAC:

(Picture of Burt Rutan and Spaceship One) Burt Rutan won the Ansari X-prize. A big payoff for being the first non-government sponsored man to reach space.

What would Mitt Romney say to Rutan?

(Video from Romney in debate) You’re fired!

(Pictures of Space-X vehicles and people working on rockets)Space-X is building and launching systems for commercial satellite and manned launch vehicles much cheaper than NASA can build and launch.

They stand to make billions.

What would Romney say to Space-X founder and CEO Elon Musk?

(Video from Romney in debate) You’re fired!

If you want to build a profitable, self-sustaining American presence in space and build America’s future, what would Romney say to you?

(Video from Romney in debate) You’re fired!

Mitt Romney’s America. No vision, No future.

(Video from Romney in debate) You’re fired!

I hope they read suggestions.  That would be a killer commercial.


Update:  Thanks for the Instalanche, Glen.

Posted in 2012, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Politics | 3 Comments »

The Comfortable vs. The Restless

Posted by Random Numbers on January 22, 2012

(I am hoping that I will be able to post more on this blog.  We will see what we will see.)

It seems the 2012 GOP race is coming down to Romney or Gingrich.  Santorum is a nice guy, but his squeaker in Iowa is as worthless as Robertson’s 1992 win.  Paul?  Don’t go there, please.

So what is left is the Comfortable Candidate and the Restless Candidate.

The Comfortable Candidate is the scion of a GOP power-broker family, the son of a previous candidate for the GOP nod.  He went to all the bests schools and had a very stable youth.  He is the man from whom great things are always expected.  His personal life is picturesque.  He is the man who has spent his whole political life avoiding risk.  When he does something or says something he later regrets, he hopes we will ignore it and acts like he never said it, even to the point of re-editing his own book to remove the offensive passages and calling anyone who points it out a liar.  He has tried hard to make the people he thinks he needs to win comfortable.  He seeks to avoid giving offense.

The Restless Candidate is the son of a teenage mother who was adopted by his stepfather.  He went to public schools and had to earn his way to and through college.  He made his own fortune in spite of his underclass background.  He spent his youth in several states and even in Europe as a military brat.  His personal life is a mess.  His political life is filled with taking on the comfortable and risking all to achieve his goals.  When he does something or says something he regrets, he owns up to it and explains why he was wrong.  He does not suffer fools gladly.

The Restless Candidate wants to diminish or dismantle the welfare state.  The Comfortable Candidate wants to run it.

The Restless Candidate wants to kick sacred cows and overturn tables.  The comfortable Candidate wants to refine the milk production and get his cut.

The Restless Candidate will leave businesses at the mercy of their customers and competitors.  The Comfortable Candidate will protect them from both.

The Restless Candidate believes in confronting our country’s adversaries and having the military to back it up.  The Comfortable Candidate wants to cut a deal.

The Restless Candidate wants to reform entitlements so that they fade away.  The Comfortable candidate will shy away from the third rail and kick the can further down the road.

If elected, the Restless President will be in the news all the time with pundits outraged that he could do/say/propose such a thing.  He will challenge their premises and seek to bypass the press and take his case straight to the people.

If elected, the Comfortable President will also face a perpetually hostile press, but he will do whatever he can to mollify them.

If elected, the Restless President will go after the budget with an axe.  The Comfortable President will use a butter knife.


The primaries have only just begun.  The most populace state so far has chosen the Restless Candidate, the least has chosen the Comfortable Candidate.  The Iowa Caucus is a meaningless sideshow in the current primary system, so they don’t really count.

When you go to the polls you should ask yourself,”Am I comfortable or restless?”

Posted in 2012, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Politics | Leave a Comment »

Palin Hate Explained

Posted by Random Numbers on January 15, 2011

In a brief comment:


She has a clear conservative vision, she’s passionate, a good communicator, and for a lot on the left, if you don’t share their liberal vision, that feels like hate to them. They also assume you hate them because you want to tear down their vision, which to them means you want to tear THEM down. Which you don’t. To sum up, they hate her because she disagrees with them.

Another angle. She’s an attractive, conservative, Christian woman who’s successful. Her family is truly the most important thing in her life. She seemed to go into public service not at all for his own aggrandizement, but to create a climate where people can work hard, follow their own dreams, and be left alone. Every bit of this is like nails on a chalkboard to them. Sarah’s ways make no sense to them. They don’t understand how she makes it work, or what sustains her as a person. To them it’s like she’s flying without the assistance of wires. It baffles them. They figure, she must have some selfish motive in all this, but she’s keeping it to herself, and her public personnae is a big fake job. They are convinced there’s a selfish, hateful person inside Sarah. They want to tear her down and reveal that person inside to the rest of the world.

Paul-Cincy on January 15, 2011 at 2:02 PM



Posted in 2012, Media, Politics, Sarah Palin | 1 Comment »

The Gleeful Left

Posted by Random Numbers on January 11, 2011

The left is happy this week.

On Saturday, a lone man with a history of mental health issues opened fire in a Tuscon Safeway parking lot.  His target was Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.  Giffords survived, but 6 others, including Federal Judge John Roll and n year old Christina Greene.

The only word that can describe the reaction by Kos and the media left is… gleeful.
These sick bastards are happy as hell that a nine year old girl and a federal judge were killed because they think it gives them something they can use to tarnish their political opponents and elevate themselves.  Now they are gleefully dancing on the corpses and trying to call a lynch mob on Palin and the Tea Partiers (calling them the Tea Party implies an organization not in evidence) while piosly declaring their own holiness.

Posted in Media, Politics | 1 Comment »

The Manger

Posted by Random Numbers on December 25, 2010

The Manger

By Brian Epps

It had been snowing off and on for weeks. The early onset of winter turned the streets of the city white on the first day, but that changed as car exhaust and dirt mixed with the snow to make a gray slush on the streets and sidewalks with gray piles of ice at the curbs, pushed there by snowplows.

When the snow first started, Thanksgiving weekend, people delighted in it. Snowmen appeared on many corners, great battles of white spheres were fought on the streets, and hot cocoa or spiced apple ciders were savored. The delight was quickly replaced by annoyance, though, as snow slowed the morning drive to a crawl and slush made the sidewalks a cold, wet, miserable slog. As Christmas approached, the songs of snow and dreams of a white Christmas rang hollow in the ears of people made cynical by the reality. People weren’t smiling now, as they walked through the slush of the city sidewalks, wanting nothing more than to get to their destinations, ignoring any distraction that might keep them even a moment longer out in this miserable winter.


It had been snowing too damn long! Jon Crow stopped and looked up at the grey clouds overhead, dropping snow on the city and promising more through the night, and cursed. Too much snow. He shoved his gloved hands deeper into his coat pockets and continued on his way.

Jon Crow was a big man. A bigness of hard muscle and wide shoulders, the result of being a not-quite-good-enough-for-a-scholarship linebacker in high school followed by ten years at the loading docks. An accident in his first year on the job left him a scar down the side of his face. Add to that the oversized nose, a gift of his father, and eyes too small and set just a bit too far apart, a gift from his mother, and you have the perfect image of an ogre. Almost everyone was afraid of Jon Crow, and he hated it.

Thanks to the snow, he thought, that last truck was late. Now I’ve missed the Christmas show at the Church and I’ve still got to go there to clean up. I promised Reverend Styles I would, but I’d rather be going straight home. The drive to my brother Sid’s house will be ugly – oh shoot! Jenny!

Jennifer Crow wasn’t afraid of Jon. The tiny, blue-eyed, sandy-blonde haired six year-old had her Uncle Jon wrapped tightly around her little finger. Her great big teddy bear uncle was always good for horsey rides, and when she sat on his shoulders, she could see the whole world! Jon in turn loved his niece to distraction. He always kept a picture of her with him.

In fact, it was keeping her picture that led him to his current problem. A little more than six months ago, while paying a bar tab, he dropped her picture from his wallet. Some drunken wit saw it and made a lewd comment, losing four teeth as a result. A plea bargain reduced the charge from assault and battery to drunk and disorderly, and a sentence of community service brought Jon to Reverend Styles.

It’s going to snow all night tonight.
The Reverend Doctor Paul Styles, DD, looked out his office window into the night.
If one were to look up piety in a dictionary, many residents in the city would half expect to see the reference: see Styles, Paul. He had been pastor of the Church of Hope for fifty years, and in that time had seen his parish grow from a tiny (and poor) inner-city black church to one of the largest single ministries in the country. This was not due to any personal ambition; the good Reverend seemed to have had his ambition removed surgically at birth, but to his love of God and true joy of spreading the Good News to all who will hear it.

Paul looked out his window, reflecting on the night now passing and the day to come. Dr Paul Styles loved Christmas, from the secular trappings of packages and bows to the Greatest Gift underlying the whole season. This time of year called and inspired him like no other.

He was also waiting for someone. Jon Crow was supposed to come tonight and clean up the offices of the attached community center as his last hour of community service. He had also promised to help out the church by straightening up the sanctuary for the Christmas Day service in the morning. Paul had hoped Jon could make it to the evening service tonight, but Jon had called and said he would be late due to his job.

Paul had met Jon six months ago, when Jon had come to the Community Center to work off his sentence for a bar brawl. It shocked Paul at first that anyone could ever get drunk enough to actually try to fight Jon. It took a month of gentle coaxing to get the story out of him. Jon was not a bad man, Paul thought, just lonely and angry at a world that had not been kind to him.

The Reverend pulled his thoughts back to the scene outside. The weather report said it would snow heavily until four in the morning, and then the show should move on. Paul looked again out the window and whispered a brief prayer that those lost outside in the cold should find warmth and comfort on this night.


It had been snowing all of his life.
He walked alone on the sidewalk, barely feeling the ground under his frozen pads, his cream-gray fur making him nearly invisible to the two-legs as he avoided their feet.

He didn’t know how long he had been alone. He remembered a big flat-fronted beast that had pushed ice and snow into the curb beside them, burying him and his littermates. He remembered being able to scramble out of the ice, while his mother kept digging to find the others. He remembered the black round beast that has stepped on his mother. he didn’t know how long he had stayed there, crying as the warmth left his mother, crying for his missing siblings.

The kitten walked slowly on, his big blue eyes searching for food and warmth; finding none.


“How could I be so damned stupid!?” thought Jon. He had kept putting off going to get Jenny’s present, hoping to go at a time when it wasn’t too crowded.
Jon approached the church, cursing himself for his procrastination. He hated shopping, especially at toy stores. Mothers would scramble to move their children away from him whenever he went to a toy store. “I wonder if they think I’ll eat them raw or cook them first?” was what he thought when he saw that.

At least he knew what to get her. Sid had told him his daughter had been asking for one of those new baby dolls that look like a real baby.

“Super Shop is supposed to be open till three in the morning for last minute shoppers, and they should have them, I just loaded a bunch of crates of those silly dolls on a truck heading there. Damn! I’m not looking forward to crashing through those crowds!”
The sudden sharp pain in Jon’s ankle made him kick his right foot up and shake it forward. Jon got just a small glimpse of a gray something as it sailed through the air and hit the door of the church. He rejected any thought of investigating whatever it was in less than a second and continued around the church to the side, where the community center had its offices.


The pain in his left forepaw was worse than anything he had ever known. The kitten heard and felt his tiny bones snap under the weight. He lashed out at the foot of the two-leg who had stepped on it with his claws extended. His claws caught on the two-leg’s fur as it jerked away and then broke loose.

The kitten was thrown ten feet, up a small flight of stairs, to stop upon impact with a wall. There he fell onto his side, panting and dazed with pain.
It took him some time to realize that something at his side was warm. He turned and sniffed at the source. It was a small straight opening in the base of the wall with warm air blowing out of it. He hunched down against the crack, warming his face in the flow.


“Well, finally!” Paul whispered to himself as he was Jon coming around the corner. Chiding himself for his impatience, he left his office to meet Jon coming in the door.

“Good evening, Jon. Merry Christmas!”

“Evenin’ Reverend, but I don’t know about merry. Not after slogging through that muck!”

“Now Jon, is that any way to talk? And on Christmas Eve,

“Oh, I’ll be all right, Reverend, after I get home and warm up for a couple of hours.” Jon found it hard to keep a bad mood when the Reverend was around. The spry old man was just too cheerful. “Besides, I get to see Jenny tomorrow; that always cheers me up.”

“Yes, your niece, she looks like a real heartbreaker. I can understand why you put that poor fellow on a liquid diet. I don’t condone it, but I understand it.
” I don’t have much for you to do her tonight, Jon. Just empty the waste bins and then mop the hallway, and your community service is done. I’ve already got the paperwork ready to sign and send, so I’m going to go home and let you finish up alone.”

“Did you need me to clean the sanctuary?”

“A couple of folks stayed after the service to help tidy up, but I’d appreciate it if you’d check all the pews and make sure the hymnals got put up. And leave through the front door, it locks itself.” He didn’t really like the idea of locking up a House of God, but the church had been vandalized and burglarized too many times for him to have a real choice. “Oh! And leave the light on over the Nativity.”

“Thanks for helping me out on this, Reverend.”

“‘Thy neighbor as thyself,’ Jon. Good night and have a merry Christmas. I’ll pray for you.”

“I appreciate it, Reverend. Sleep well.”

Paul walked through the back door of the community center that led to the church hall, up to the front entry way and toward the doors. Before leaving, he stopped once more to look upon the old Nativity set up in the foyer.

The life-sized clay Nativity had been crafted by a parishioner in Paul’s second year at the Church of Hope. The artist, a young man with sickle-cell, had been an inspiration to Paul that God can do great work through His people in even the shortest of life-times. The kings looked a little worn these days, but Mary was still radiant, and the small clay doll representing the baby Jesus still seemed to hold a life of it’s own.
“Or maybe I’m just getting old,” chuckled Paul to himself. “Who knows? Maybe it’s both.” He walked toward the double doors leading to the street.


The kitten cowered down as the wall he was pressing up against suddenly moved away from him to reveal an opening – and a two-leg! But the two leg moved past without noticing him, leaving a warm opening behind that was slowly closing.
Without even thinking, he hobbled through the opening into the warmth, and the wall closed up behind him.

{Hello, little kitten.}

They weren’t words he heard, for the foyer was silent. It was more like a thought or feeling sensed rather than heard, but the kitten somehow knew that it came from someone outside of himself. He stopped and looked around for the source.

{You can’t see me yet. Move forward.}

Cautiously, the kitten hobbled forward, approaching the silent group of what looked like several two-legs, but upon closer inspection were only rocks shaped like two-legs.

{Up here.} The kitten had to obey the thought. Bracing himself for the pain, he gathered his hind legs under him and jumped up into the manger. There he discovered the smallest two-legs he had ever seen. It’s furless face and large brown eyes radiated gentleness, kindness, and welcome. It smiled at him, and he knew at that moment what a smile was and what it meant.

The kitten concentrated and tried to send a thought back. [Who are you?] he thought.

{I am… Who I am. I am what was, what is, and what will be. Come to me, little kitten, and I will give you warmth and comfort.}

The kitten didn’t understand all that he heard, but he laid down next to the little two-leg. He felt its forepaws rubbing at his ears, warming them, and the pain in his broken foot faded. Purring softly, he drifted off to sleep.


The bins were empty, the hall was mopped, and Jon Crow walked down the last row of pews, checking the hymnal slots.  Reaching the end, he turned toward the altar.

“God?  If you’re there, do you think You could find a way for me to avoid the Super Store tonight?”  He wasn’t expecting an answer, and got what he expected.

As he left the sanctuary, he noticed a light on in the foyer.  It was only when he got to the switch that he remembered that the Reverend wanted the Nativity to stay lit up.

That’s strange, he thought.  What happened to the old doll?

The old clay baby Jesus doll had been replaced by a new one.  It looked like one of those new dolls that look like a real baby.  It also looked brand new.  Jon stopped in front of the manger, thinking.

The Reverend has got to have the old doll around somewhere.  If the door is left open a crack, he’ll think some vandal or kid took it.  And if a replacement arrives in the mail in a couple of weeks, all will be square.  It won’t really be stealing, and I can avoid the Super Store Hell.

He reached carefully into the manger – and jerked his hand away with four small scratches on it.


The sound of a two-leg’s footsteps woke the kitten.  He looked out of the manger, saw a huge two-leg coming right at him, and tried to hide.

{It’s all right, little kitten.  He doesn’t see you,} said the little two-leg.

[How do you know that?]

{He only sees me.  He’s going to take me away.}

[NO!] The kitten saw the big paw reaching for the little two-leg and attacked.  He was still exhausted.  He knew he couldn’t fight this thing, but he had to try.  He didn’t want to be alone any more.

He scored the big two-leg on the back of its paw with his claws and fell away as the paw jerked away.  Standing between the little two-leg and the big one, he hissed at the creature as he saw it pull its paw back to strike at him.


Jon pulled his hand back to knock the damned nuisance cat aside….and stopped, lowering his arm to his side, looking into a pair of big blue eyes.

Those eyes he saw weren’t framed by gray pointed ears and a pink nose, but sandy blonde hair and a little bow mouth.  Those eyes were sad, disappointed in him.  Then Jon Crow did something he had never in his life done before.  He fell on his knees and he prayed.

He didn’t pray that others would stop fearing him, or for a way out of hardship.  He prayed for forgiveness.  He prayed for salvation.  He prayed for his niece, for his brother, for the Reverend.  He even prayed for that guy in the bar whose teeth he had knocked out.

He stayed there, sobbing and praying, for a long time, while a small gray kitten stood at the edge of the manger and looked down at him.


Paul finished his tea and went to his bed.  Kneeling at his bedside, he prayed for peace this night, and joy in the morning for all.  He prayed also that Jon Crow would find his way, not knowing that that prayer had already been answered.


Jon dried his face with his sleeve and stood up.  Looking at his watch, he noticed that it was about half past midnight.

“Happy Birthday, Baby Jesus,” he said to the doll.   “May you and your guardian angel have a merry Christmas.”  He picked up his coat, shoved his cap on his head, and went out through the front door.  Making sure it closed firmly.

It was still snowing, and the grey slush of the city streets had been covered over with a pristine white blanket.  It was beautiful.  He walked briskly on his six-block trek to the subway.

I should be able to get home in plenty of time to drive to the Super Shop.  Look out, Super Shoppers!  Ogre Claus is comin’ to town!


The kitten waited for the big two leg to strike as it stood up, but it only made noises and left.

[What were those noises?] he asked of the little two-leg.

{He was saying something to me.  He called you an angel.}

[What’s an angel?]

{Someone who serves me and protects my own.}

[Oh.  I’m very tired.  May I go back to sleep?]

{Yes, little kitten.  Curl up next to me and rest.  You have done well.}

The little kitten curled up on the straw next to the little two-leg.  As he slowly drifted off, he thought he could feel his mother near him.

{Rest, my little angel.  I will guard your sleep.}


The Reverend Doctor Paul Styles, DD, unlocked the front door of the Church of Hope and went inside.  As he approached the Nativity, he saw that something had changed.  When he got to the manger, he saw the old clay Baby Jesus doll on its side, a smile on its face, and its arm lying, almost protectively, over the still body of a small gray kitten.

The End.

I got this story idea from Rober Heinlien’s Stranger in a Strange Land.  In the book, Jubal Harshaw repeated the story idea, but I don’t think the story itself was ever written.

I first wrote this story, in a different form when I was 17.  My wife, saved it from my old junk for many years, and I ran across it while looking in an old trunk for a baseball.  I read over it and decided it looked like it was written by a teenager.  A few ideas for improving the story came to mind, the above is the result, sort of a collaboration with my younger self.

Posted in Inspirational | 2 Comments »

The Four Factors and Why Palin Can Win.

Posted by Random Numbers on December 9, 2010

Based on my observations, there are four factors to winning office in presidential politics.

  • 1: This is who I am.
  • 2: This is what I believe.


  • 3: This is what I want to do.
  • 4: Come join me. (The only mandatory factor)

In order to win, a political figure needs at least one of the first three factors to be compelling, with factor 4 being mandatory in that no one will vote for someone they don’t want to join with politically.

Obama, as it has been revealed, pulled a bait-and-switch with factors 1 and 2 to get enough people to want to pull the lever for him (factor 4).  He was not really very specific about 3 and the press avoided reporting the times he was.  Unfortunately for him, a false narrative always collapses, and it seems to be doing so early and in public view.

Factors 1 and 2 are tough for any conservative to get across, since few in the intelligentsia – especially the press – are willing to believe or honestly report on a conservative.  There, too, a false narrative is used to paint a distorted picture, but betting on a false narrative over a long period is a suckers bet.  It happens from time to time, but needs to be unchallenged to work.

Palin has had a false narrative running against her from the day she accepted McCain’s offer.  The press will continue to use that false narrative (dumb, inexperienced, unqualified) no matter what she does, so her only option is to bypass the press.

Palin’s TLC show is giving Americans a close look at factor 1. She has also published books covering factors 1 (Going Rogue) and 2 (America by Heart).  I expect her earliest campaign to be philosophical as well, explaining again what she believes.  Her op-eds (and her likely next book) cover factors 2 and 3.  Any campaign she runs will use all three to try to gain factor 4.

As for myself, I support Palin so far because:

  • 1: I think I know who she is, and I like her.  If something convinces me that she is not who she presents herself to be, this can change.
  • 2: I share most of her beliefs.  If something convinces me she is being disingenuous in what she says she believes, this can change.
  • 3: I think what she wants as far as policy are good, so far as she has expressed policy preferences.  Should she express a policy preference I disagree with, this can change.
  • And so…
  • 4: I will join her.  This can change.

If I am right, Palin will win 2012 in a landslide.

Posted in 2012, Philosophy, Politics, Sarah Palin | Leave a Comment »

This is too good to leave in comments…

Posted by Random Numbers on November 13, 2010

I just got a wild hair up my butt named Boxy_Brown in comments at Hot Air.  I am just getting sick and tired of the “quitter” sneers being thrown at Sarah Palin, so I posted the following:

In all seriousness, the response to the “quitter” argument is to ask what you would have done in her place. You are constrained by law from defending yourself using any but your own funds. You have already built up more in legal bills than your entire term’s salary responding to frivolous complaints. Your state government is having to constantly waste money on the silly things. You can:
1. Engage in the type of political self-dealing you fought against since you first ran for Wasilla City Council
2. Hunker down, sit down, and shut up, hoping it will all go away.
3. Resign and continue your fight outside office.

Those are the only choices she had. What would YOU do in Palin’s place, Brownie?

Put up or shut up!

Brownie gave me the following lame answer:

In all seriousness, the response to the “quitter” argument is to ask what you would have done in her place.

Fought on and worked to get the law changed.

You are constrained by law from defending yourself using any but your own funds.

That isn’t entirely true.

You have already built up more in legal bills than your entire term’s salary responding to frivolous complaints.

Best to just cave in to that kind of thing, huh. What if Putin sues? Or Achmadinajad? What if Bin Laden gets a lawyer?

“Your state government is having to constantly waste money on the silly things.”

I thought it was only her money that could be used to defend herself? Why would the states money be involved? Oh yeah, because she had access to state lawyers.

Those are the only choices she had. What would YOU do in Palin’s place, Brownie?

That’s “Boxy”. And Choice 4 was to improvise, adapt and overcome. Something people like to see in their leaders.

My rebuttal:

In all seriousness, the response to the “quitter” argument is to ask what you would have done in her place.

Fought on and worked to get the law changed.

So you would have stayed in office and put all other state business aside to save your personal a$$. Figures, coward.
Besides, do the words “ex post facto” ring a bell?

You are constrained by law from defending yourself using any but your own funds.

That isn’t entirely true.

OH? Try telling that to the Alaska Fund Trust. It was declared invalid on the most specious of grounds. Even if it had survived that, every donation, especially those from out of state, would have generated another specious complaint. You reach a point of diminishing returns very quickly.

You have already built up more in legal bills than your entire term’s salary responding to frivolous complaints.

Best to just cave in to that kind of thing, huh. What if Putin sues? Or Achmadinajad? What if Bin Laden gets a lawyer?

Does the term “Office of Legal Council” mean anything to you? Are you this friggin’ ignorant or do you just act that way on the internet? Alaska’s law doesn’t allow the Governor to use state attorneys for defense on ethics charges. That and the fact that anyone can file a charge for anything, no matter how silly (holding a fish?) makes it possible to drown the Governor in legal bills. That was happening.

I thought it was only her money that could be used to defend herself? Why would the states money be involved? Oh yeah, because she had access to state lawyers.

So you are stupid as well as a coward. Who the heck was ADJUDICATING those complaints? It wasn’t Santa Claus.


Those are the only choices she had. What would YOU do in Palin’s place, Brownie?

That’s “Boxy”.

Sorry, from what I smell coming from your post, it’s definitely Brownie.

And Choice 4 was to improvise, adapt and overcome. Something people like to see in their leaders.

So how about something more specific.

I think I listed, specifically, the only actual options, outside of Fantasy Land (formerly known as your skull). You reply with vague generalities. You have no solution, but dammit Palin should have stayed in her cage!!!

You have demonstrated that you are either not serious or too empty-headed to be worth arguing with. I feel like I’m pushing a baby chick into an alligator pond. Can’t you try harder?

This is the sort of unserious crap that Palin supporters have to face.   Brownie just repeats the same thing without any suggestion of a better way to handle the situation Palin was in.   I know I don’t know what else she could have done.

Why, oh WHY does the name Palin cause every dumbass to drool like Pavlov’s dog?

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