Random Numbers

Palin Hate Explained

Posted by Random Numbers on January 15, 2011

In a brief comment:


She has a clear conservative vision, she’s passionate, a good communicator, and for a lot on the left, if you don’t share their liberal vision, that feels like hate to them. They also assume you hate them because you want to tear down their vision, which to them means you want to tear THEM down. Which you don’t. To sum up, they hate her because she disagrees with them.

Another angle. She’s an attractive, conservative, Christian woman who’s successful. Her family is truly the most important thing in her life. She seemed to go into public service not at all for his own aggrandizement, but to create a climate where people can work hard, follow their own dreams, and be left alone. Every bit of this is like nails on a chalkboard to them. Sarah’s ways make no sense to them. They don’t understand how she makes it work, or what sustains her as a person. To them it’s like she’s flying without the assistance of wires. It baffles them. They figure, she must have some selfish motive in all this, but she’s keeping it to herself, and her public personnae is a big fake job. They are convinced there’s a selfish, hateful person inside Sarah. They want to tear her down and reveal that person inside to the rest of the world.

Paul-Cincy on January 15, 2011 at 2:02 PM



One Response to “Palin Hate Explained”

  1. They fear her for the reasons you have listed. They know most of America admires these virtues. That’s why ACORN and others like them, are necessary. They have to buy their support to thwart the American tradition.

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